Smoky Quartz:
There are many other forms of quartz crystals, such as rose quartz, but smoky quartz amplifies the healing abilities of the quartz crystal family with its unique characteristics.
This dark and enigmatic gem has several applications and therapeutic properties. If you find it difficult to let go of your old habits, ideas, emotions and beliefs, this is the gemstone for you. It is said to channel pure light energy from the crown chakra to the root chakra, helping to ground you in the ground.
What is it exactly ?
Smoky Quartz is a form of colored crystalline quartz. Its hue can range from a light yellow-brown to a dark brown which, due to its intensity, could be mistaken for black gemstones.
The hue of this attractive form of mineral quartz is due to its proximity to natural sources of radiation, such as radioactive minerals. Coloring can also be created artificially by the irradiation method.
What does it mean ?
Smoky Quartz is said to aid in overall well-being, shedding unwanted emotional baggage, letting go of old wounds, stability and grounding. It is known to bring us closer to Earth.
This one-of-a-kind crystal has roots in more than one culture and country, but it is Scotland's national treasure. It appears frequently in Celtic history and lore, with a particular connection to the Druids. Druids, in fact, used smoky quartz to strengthen and enhance their connection with the spirit realm and nature.
Benefits and Healing Properties of Smoky Quartz:
As mentioned earlier, smoky quartz is an excellent grounding stone. It is known to eliminate bad energies, cleanse the body and energy field of lower vibrations, protect the body from radiation and treat digestive difficulties, in addition to the many therapeutic characteristics of the quartz family.
It can help us relieve symptoms of sadness and anxiety, as well as bring a sense of peace and tranquility into our lives. It can also help with communication, turning dreams into reality, and strengthening intuition. It's no surprise that this crystal is a perennial favorite of crystal lovers; its benefits and therapeutic capabilities are considerable.
How to use it correctly:
There are several ways to incorporate this miraculously healing stone into your life. You can wear it on your body in the form of jewelry, such as necklaces or earrings.
If you don't like to wear jewelry but want to keep it on you, try a small bag that holds your crystal and fits in your pocket.
Bringing this stone into your home or workplace is another effective method to use it. They will not only serve as unique and eye-catching decorations, but they will also bring all of its healing and uplifting powers into your space.